Riding a bicycle is fun and a great way to exercise. Unfortunately, thousands of bicycle riders are injured every year in accidents involving motor vehicles. Those accidents can result in severe injuries for the bicyclist, including brain damage and spinal cord injuries. Serious injuries are common even in low-speed collisions, and higher speed crashes often result in death.

Bicyclists are protected by state laws that provide them with the same rights on the road as motorists. Unfortunately, motorists do not always look out for cyclists or respect their rights to share the road. When a driver fails to pay attention to a bicyclist and respect his or her right of way, the outcome can be disastrous.

The Auto Accident Attorneys Group can help bicyclists navigate their way through injuries and obtain fair compensation.


Most serious injuries and fatalities from bicycle accidents result from collisions with motor vehicles, even cars moving at slow speeds. Bicycle accident injuries can range from broken bones and fractures, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and even death. Although superficial soft tissue injuries and musculoskeletal trauma are the most common, head injuries are responsible for most fatalities and long-term disabilities. In fact, head injuries occur in one-third (1/3) of injured bicyclists, often as a result of a collision with a motor vehicle, and are responsible for over half of all bicycle-related deaths and the majority of long-term disabilities.

We encourage bicycle riders to reduce the risk of injury by wearing helmets, protective clothing, and equipment, and by following general safety rules.


Bicycle accidents can happen in the blink of an eye and can be extremely nerve-racking for the victim. In the event of a bicycle accident, it is important to follow certain steps in order for you to obtain maximum compensation for your losses and to protect your legal rights.

  1. Stay at the scene. This is the number one rule. Do not leave the scene of the accident. You can be guilty of a hit and run even if you were on a bicycle.

  2. Check for injuries. Take a moment to evaluate yourself. Common injuries after a bicycle accident include cuts, broken bones, whiplash, and concussions. Your body often produces large amounts of adrenaline after a traumatic event, and as a result, you may not notice the severity of injury right away.

  3. Call the police. If there is significant damage, injury, or death, make sure to call the police. The police will investigate the accident and ask you questions. Cooperate with the police but be careful not to admit fault.

  4. Gather info. Gather as much information as possible right after an accident, including:

    • Driver and passenger names

    • Insurance information

    • Vehicle details – license plate number, make, model, and color of all vehicles and bicycles involved

    • Contact information for eyewitnesses

    • Location of the accident

    • Name and badge number of any responding police officers

The easiest and fastest way to get most of this information is to take pictures with your cell phone.

Also, do not worry if you do not have bicycle insurance. Your car insurance will probably not cover the bicycle accident, but most homeowners or renters insurance will pay for damages caused by sporting activities, including bicycling.

  1. Document the scene. Take pictures of the damage to all vehicles and bicycles involved in the accident, as well as the road conditions and traffic signs and signals. They may come in handy during the claims process. If you don’t have access to a cell phone or camera, make sure that you take photographs of your bicycle and the accident scene as soon as possible after the accident.

  2. Visit a doctor as soon as possible. See a doctor as soon as possible, even if you feel fine after the accident. If you do receive medical treatment, keep thorough documentation of all treatments and expenses for your insurance claim later on.

  3. Contact The AAA Group. It is important to get in touch with an attorney experienced in handling bicycle accident claims even before you report the accident to your insurance company. You should also speak with your attorney before making any statements to the other party’s insurance company. The AAA Group can help you file and navigate your way through an insurance claim, protecting your rights and helping you take the right steps to get the financial compensation you deserve.

As expected, those who are involved in a bicycle accident become extremely overwhelmed and may not know the proper steps to take after an accident. Because our experienced bicycle accident attorneys have dealt with thousands of cases, we are confident that the steps listed above will certainly help the victims after a bicycle accident.


We can help you recover financial compensation for the losses you have suffered as a result of your bicycle accident. Call us today at 404-600-0941 or email gethelp@theAAAgroup.com to schedule a free consultation with our friendly and experienced legal team.